Bell and Arch Blog

College admissions advice, news, tips, and more!

Now is the Time to Start Thinking about College!

By Jennifer Martin | Apr 29, 2021

Tips to get a Jump Start on College Admissions Preparing for college admissions is a marathon, not a sprint. Back in my marathon running days, one of my running books asked this question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer, “One bite at a time!” I would offer the same advice to students preparing…

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Don’t Let Disappointment Derail You

By Jennifer Martin | Apr 7, 2021

Well, it is certainly an understatement to say it’s been a year. I think we all need a very deep cleansing breath to move forward into whatever the “new normal” holds for us. Despite the disruptions to our lives, the college admission cycle for the class of 2025 carried on in one of the most…

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Scholarship SOS – Part 2

By Jennifer Martin | Mar 11, 2021

Understanding the Field You’ve heard it too many times to count, those well-meaning words – “There are plenty of scholarships out there, so you can go to college for free!” Well, you and I both know that perhaps that is just a bit overstated. It’s not like you can close your eyes, snap your fingers,…

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Scholarship SOS – Part 1

By Jennifer Martin | Mar 6, 2021

Developing Your Strategy I recently attended a webinar where supposed experts in the area of student scholarships dished out advice to those advising students on how to win scholarships. One morsel of advice that made me shudder was this, “your students should apply for any and every scholarship they can find.” One member of the…

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Set Yourself Up for College Essay Success

By Jennifer Martin | Mar 1, 2021

Interviewer: How much rewriting do you do? Hemingway: It depends. I rewrote the ending of Farewell to Arms, the last page of it, 39 times before I was satisfied. Interview: Was there some technical problem there? What was it that had stumped you? Hemingway: Getting the words right. -Ernest Hemingway, The Paris Review Interview, 1956…

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What Size College is Right for You?

By Jennifer Martin | Feb 21, 2021

Large Universities vs. SLACs With over 4,000 colleges and universities to choose from in the U.S., one way to focus your search is to consider what size campus is a good fit with your college and career plans and your personality. It is important to understand what the differences will mean to your college experience.…

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