What is a CEP, and Why Does it Matter to My Clients?

I am happy to announce that after a months-long process, I have been awarded the highest credential in my profession. I am now a Certified Educational Planner (CEP) awarded by the American Institute of Certified Educational Planners (AICEP). “We are proud to have Jennifer Martin receive this certification,” said Rachel Sobel, Chair of the AICEP.…

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Supplemental Essays: The “Why ____ University?” Prompt

You have labored over 650 words for weeks to get your college essay just right, and it’s finally done! Now, you can hang up your writing tools for the season and coast right through your applications. Except, wait, is that a pesky supplemental prompt that you have been ignoring but is now screaming for attention?…

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Training Matters

How to be a Student of Colleges When I decided to make college admissions advising as an Independent Educational Consultant (IEC) my full-time gig, I committed to learning everything I possibly could about the field. I love education and learning new things, so a certificate program was right up my alley. I am very excited…

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What’s in a Name?

How did I land on Bell & Arch Consulting as the name that represents my business? It is tied to the fact that I want every student I serve to find their perfect fit school. My goal for my students is not just to get to college, but to get through college to graduation. Bell…

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The Basics of the College Visit

Summer is a great time to add a college visit or two to your family’s travels. This summer, after over a year of mostly being closed to visitors, colleges are opening again to in-person visits. Virtual tours and webinars are just not the same as standing on the quad of a campus and seeing firsthand…

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Now is the Time to Start Thinking about College!

Tips to get a Jump Start on College Admissions Preparing for college admissions is a marathon, not a sprint. Back in my marathon running days, one of my running books asked this question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer, “One bite at a time!” I would offer the same advice to students preparing…

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