What is a CEP, and Why Does it Matter to My Clients?

I am happy to announce that after a months-long process, I have been awarded the highest credential in my profession. I am now a Certified Educational Planner (CEP) awarded by the American Institute of Certified Educational Planners (AICEP). “We are proud to have Jennifer Martin receive this certification,” said Rachel Sobel, Chair of the AICEP.…

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Why the SAT and ACT Still Matter in College Admissions

Students taking the digital SAT

I have yet to run into a student who looks forward to sitting for the SAT or ACT with eager anticipation. These tests are anxiety inducing for most students. I admit, I get it. There is the weight of your future attached to these tests that can leave even the most confident student feeling a…

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This is Not a Personal Statement: A Book Review

It was with great anticipation that I cracked open Tracy Badua’s This is Not a Personal Statement when it arrived on my doorstep after its January 17, 2023, release. I was not disappointed! While young adult literature is not my typical fodder for reading, I was interested to hear how Badua would interpret the current…

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I Wish I Had Known

I wish I had known. I hear this quite a bit from the juniors and seniors working with me on college admissions. This blog is written to you – high school freshman and sophomores, and even to you – students in middle school or junior high. I want to share with you RIGHT NOW, some…

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College Essays from a Student’s Point of View

This month’s blog is by guest blogger, Marcus Cruz. Marcus and I worked together on his college and scholarship essays during the 2021/22 application cycle. Marcus’s final essays were absolutely amazing. I still remember the detail of each essay and the mastery of his writing voice in those pieces a year later. In this blog,…

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Supplemental Essays: The “Why ____ University?” Prompt

You have labored over 650 words for weeks to get your college essay just right, and it’s finally done! Now, you can hang up your writing tools for the season and coast right through your applications. Except, wait, is that a pesky supplemental prompt that you have been ignoring but is now screaming for attention?…

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Training Matters

How to be a Student of Colleges When I decided to make college admissions advising as an Independent Educational Consultant (IEC) my full-time gig, I committed to learning everything I possibly could about the field. I love education and learning new things, so a certificate program was right up my alley. I am very excited…

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What’s in a Name?

How did I land on Bell & Arch Consulting as the name that represents my business? It is tied to the fact that I want every student I serve to find their perfect fit school. My goal for my students is not just to get to college, but to get through college to graduation. Bell…

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What Outcomes Do You Want from Your College Experience?

Last week, at the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) Fall Conference, I had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Anne Kerr, President of Florida Southern College. Dr. Kerr’s talk focused on the outcomes that colleges measure to gauge the efficacy of their programs. She mentioned some of the things you would expect – retention rates,…

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